The Paducah Symphony Youth & Children's Chorus is the only children's chorus in the region to perform with a professional orchestra. The group consists of two ensembles; the PSO Children's Chorus (grades 3-8) and the PSO Youth Chorus (grades 9-12) and are chosen by audition to perform under the direction of Dr. Bradley Almquist and Ms. Samantha Veal. There is a fee to participate in these groups which can be paid in full or in monthly installments in addition to wardrobe fees. These groups rehearse on Thursday evenings during the school year.
The Adult Chorus is also an audition based group which performs under the direction of Dr. Bradley Almquist. This group performs standard repertoire as well as contemporary works. Participation in this group is currently free to its members due to an anonymous donation! Attire for concerts is the standard Concert Black with minimal jewelry. This group rehearses Sunday afternoons during the school year.
Performances include the PSO Holiday concert, a winter concert, a midwinter concert, the PSO Season Finale Concert, and a spring concert. The ensembles also perform at various community meetings and events such as the Lowertown Arts & Music Festival.
Teaching reading readiness through pitch & rhythm matching, Kodaly rhythm syllables, Solfege (movable do) with hand signs.
Teaching excellent diction.
Teaching harmony/ part singing through partner songs and songs in 2+ parts.
Teaching appropriate vocal production and development through posture, breath and vocalization.
Introducing members to the highest standards of western art music, music from other world cultures and American musical traditions.
Introducing members to standard singing texts in foreign languages.
Providing members with a positive and creative means of expressing themselves through vocal music.
Developing self-esteem through hard work, achievement and success.
Developing a positive sense of individuality and personal responsibility within a group setting.