
PSO Academy 1st Annual
Honors Orchestra

Auditions have already passed but keep an eye out for information about next year!

Come see this auditioned group in a free concert on March 11 at 6:30pm at Symphony Hall.

Folder Fee Payment

On select Friday evening rehearsals before a PSO concert, students are invited to sit in seats placed among the orchestra members to experience a rehearsal from the vantage point of a PSO musician. This program takes place at the Carson Center and is FREE to registered participants.

Register for Musical Chairs

June 16-20, 2025
Summer Music Camp is a week long camp for students that enjoy making music with friends!
The major ensemble are Orchestra, Middle School Band, Junior Strings, Jazz Band, Senior Choir, Junior Choir and Piano.
There are also elective classes to take between rehearsals such as History of Rock, Beginning Guitar, Musical Theater and many more!

The PSO offers 3 auditioned choirs for ages 9-99! Members are chosen by audition to perform under the direction of Dr. Bradley L. Almquist and Ms. Samantha Veal.
Performances include a winter holiday concert, a mid-winter concert and a spring concert in addition to the PSO holiday and finale concert with the Symphony Orchestra.

For questions and additional information, please email Cindy Poat.

Learn More

The PSO and the McCracken County Public Library collaborate for Musical Story Time, a program designed to promote music and literacy. Library Storytellers and PSO Musicians perform for local schools, serving approximately 5200 students each year. Goals are to motivate reading, enhance comprehension, explore music and instruments, encourage creativity, and bring great composers and their music to life.

The Big Three Composers are Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven. Using a six-year curriculum, each student receives an age appropriate view of each composer two times during the kindergarten through fifth grade journey.